Starting today, “Letters From The Producer” will be delivered to you!
皆様こんにちは。デスカムトゥルー プロデューサーのイザナギゲームズ 梅田です。新型コロナウィルスの影響で皆様も大変な状況だと思います。なんとかこの状況を全世界の人たちが乗り越えられる事を心より願いつつ、私も自分が感染源になる事のないように必要のない外出や人との接触を出来る限り控えるようにしていきたいと思います。
Hello, Everyone! This is Shinsuke Umeda of IzanagiGames, the producer of Death Come True.
I am aware that everyone is going through a difficult time because of the COVID-19 outbreak situation. I sincerely hope that people all over the world will manage to overcome this crisis and as for myself, I will continue to refrain from non-essential outings and avoid close contact with people in order not to affect others by possibly carrying the virus.
さて、プロデューサーレターですが、デスカムトゥルー というコンテンツの内容について、そしてこのプロジェクトの成り立ちや進行のさせ方、開発に関わっていただいているチームメンバーについてなどについて皆様にお伝えする場にしたいと思っています。常に皆様に興味持って読んでいただける内容かどうかは分かりませんが・・・お酒を飲まずにシラフで書きます!(飲まないのが当たり前なんですが、たまに飲んで書いてたら申し訳ございません・・・。)また、海外の人にも出来るだけお伝えできるように英語バージョンも同時にアップしていきます。
So, what is the “Letter From The Producer”? What I’d like to write about in these letters to you includes the content of Death Come True, how this project has kicked off, how we have been proceeding with the project, the members in the team who are involved in the development, and more. I am not sure if I can write something appealing enough to interest all of you every time, but what I can promise you for sure is that…I will not “drink and write!” (which is not something I should be proud of..) English versions of these letters will also be delivered simultaneously for overseas fans.
Content that allows players to enjoy playing on a smartphone and TV screen (a game console) in the same way as they enjoy watching movies
デスカムトゥルー 公式ツイッターや私のツイッターでも 「ゲームをプレーしたことがないので不安ですが、デスカムトゥルーには興味あります。」というコメントをよくお見かけします。そういったコメントをいただける事自体とても嬉しく思っています。なぜなら、私たちがこのコンテンツを作る上で目指しているのは、ゲームファンだけでなく映画ファン、もっと言うと映画館に普段あまり行かないテレビ視聴者の方などにも楽しんでいただけるエンターテインメントコンテンツだからです。ですので、普段ゲームをやらない方にも是非楽しんで頂きたいのです。
On the official Death Come True Twitter account as well as on my own Twitter account, I often see comments such as “I am interested in playing Death Come True, but I am not sure if I can play it well because I do not usually play games.” Seeing those comments makes me really happy because what we want to achieve through this project is to create content that entertains not only game fans but also movie fans, and furthermore, TV viewers who do not usually go see a movie in the theater. So, we sincerely hope that everyone including non-gamers will enjoy this content.
デスカムトゥルー はそもそもそういった難しさがほとんどないようなコンテンツですし、誰にとっても分かりやすいように設計されています。
I think about what makes a game look hard to approach for non-gamers, and I assume that possible aspects may be “difficulty” and “the amount of information that one needs to have”.
Some examples of “difficulty” can be input timings for action elements, interactions with computer and with other players, and game operations based on the understanding of the controller button functions and the UI (user interface).
As for “the amount of information that one needs to have”, it can include information about the goals such as what the player needs to achieve next and what they need to do for achieving that, as well as the amount of the information such as experience points and items that enable the player to understand their own status.
Meanwhile, Death Come True is designed to be beginner-friendly and has almost no aspects that will be difficult for non-gamers.
The only operation required in Death Come True is to select actions
デスカムトゥルー で必要な操作は、行動を選ぶということのみです。例えばテレビでチャンネルを選ぶことと同じくらいシンプルですし、スマホでLINEメッセージやスタンプを送るよりも簡単だと思います。
Death Come True only requires the player to select actions. It is as simple as to select a channel you like on TV and is even easier than sending text messages or emojis on your smartphone.
Here’s a screenshot of the game screen under development.
The whole story progresses in a full-motion video, and the viewer takes actions as the main character and the story changes according to those actions.The only thing the viewer needs to do is to “make selections.”And the “select” operation is very simple and intuitive as you can see from the video.We are certain that all of you including those who do not usually play games will enjoy this interactive movie.
I hope you have enjoyed reading the first ”Letter From The Producer”.Please follow me on Twitter where I will keep you updated. (I am not able to respond to all the comments and messages but I always make sure to read them all.)
Thank you!